Who Owns You?

As Christians we are given tremendous liberty. In Christ we are free from condemnation and free from the perils facing unbelievers. This often leads people to the ditch opposite of legalism, which is the abuse of God's grace.

Romans 6: 1 says, “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?” The implication there is that we have been freed from the bondage of sin, and freed from its domination over us- so why do we continue to live as though we are still powerless over sin? Why do we live as though it still owns us?

I would like you to think about this question- who owns you?
You will quickly see the answer to this question as you reflect on the following:
Do you want to glorify God with your life more than you want to breathe?
What decides how you act? Is is the Word of God or how you feel today or in the moment?
What is the motive for the things you do "for God?" Is it self or the glory of God?

How you answer these questions is the beginning of determining where your heart is focused right now. Are you living for Him or for you?

We have not been redeemed to be self-serving, nor to continue to live as sinfully as one who is in spiritual darkness. God's grace is not liberty for us to sin with abandon. Living in wanton sin is an indication that you have little care for what your freedom cost.

The precious blood of Christ that paid for your freedom has made you His bond servant. He is a gentle and loving Lord and Master. He urges you to take His yolk upon yourself and follow Him. (Matt. 11:29) There is rest in this relationship and Jesus is not a cruel taskmaster. He has already done the heavy lifting by removing the burden of our sin.

Begin to live as though He owns you~It is a sweet kind of bondage.