Last time I was blogging about how we are hanging onto a promise. I would like to continue that theme today because I find I have more in my head about this important topic.
Over and over Scripture talks about the promises given to Abraham and how many years he had to wait to see those promises fulfilled. He needed faith and hope to continue on believing the promises. (Gen. 12:3; cf. Gen. 15:5; 18:18; 22:18) God made to him.
While I doubt any of us have been promised something so enormous by God in this life, we all as believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ have put our hope in something we cannot see.
For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it. Romans 8:24-25
We are waiting for our homecoming, our entrance into heaven and God’s glorious presence. Our admission into glory is fully dependant upon our relationship with Christ. Our hopes are pinned to the hem of His royal robe. It takes great faith to believe these things.
Something the Pastor said Sunday was, “The fight for faith begins in the mind.” That is so important to understand! My mind has to be continuously focused on truth, and the gospel and preaching to myself or I am knocked off the path into the thorns of doubt and confusion.
My mind has to be renewed by His Word and my thoughts have to be centered on how my actions and words can bring Him glory. Otherwise I find I am living for myself and living as a functional idolater.
I must never, ever try to move beyond Jesus. He is the promise, He is all there is, He is complete, He is sufficient, He is enough!