Continued from yesterday….
Are you simply enslaved to your feelings? Are your thoughts consumed by fearful thoughts that lead to the feelings of panic and anxiety and worry? If so, you must begin to keep track of your thoughts by writing them down.
Journaling is laborious but it is an excellent way to uncover what you are thinking about. And remember, your thoughts, beliefs and desires are an indication of what is going on in your heart!
Perhaps a notebook that you carry with you would be helpful. On the inside cover write these questions:
Notice there are no “why” questions, nor are there any questions about how you feel. You will want to disguise your thoughts, beliefs and desires as feelings because it is your habit, it is acceptable, and you have not thought about things you always describe as feelings not really being “feelings.”
In concert with journaling, I would urge you to pray as David did in so many of the Psalms. (Ps. 139:23, Ps. 26:2) as he asked God to search his heart and examine his mind and soul. A desire you must cultivate is the desire that God reveal to you the source of your fear and anxiety. He won’t reveal it in a dream or some mystical fashion however, He will use the Word of God that will cut you up inside and deeply convict you of sin.
Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. Romans 6:12-13
You must begin to renew your mind, not simply stop worrying. You must be transformed, (which is the Greek word metamorphoo) from what you were (including your past thought patterns) to the new creation in Christ you have become. Most often this kind of change is represented by the caterpillar changing into the butterfly.
This kind of change comes only as the Holy Spirit changes your thinking (heart) through consistent study, meditation and application of the Word of God.