The Consequences of Sexual Immorality on Marriage

In today's world, there are devastating risks to sexual immorality. Sexually transmitted diseases are rampant with statistics saying 1 in 5 young woman has one form or another. This is not the focus of these posts. Perhaps at some time in the future I will do so, but right now I am zeroing in on married women and the effects of pre-marital sex on them and the marriage.

When a woman is involved in sexual immorality it affects something in her thinking. God tells us in His Word that all our sin has consequences. While nothing will change the believer’s position in Christ before God, all sin carries the inescapable weight of consequences. These are painful and rooted in the heart.
What I have seen in my counseling ministry is women who have been involved in sexual immorality are deeply angry- both at themselves and at their husbands.They express anger at him for “talking me into it” and “not taking ‘no’ for an answer” and of course, the old “If you love me you will…”

Women want to be protected from harm by the men they love, they want to trust them and know the man has their best interests at heart. When a woman consents to pre-marital sex her thinking is affected and she comes to believe that in spite of his words he really does not love and respect her as he declares. Particularly if she has expressed hesitation at going forward with a sexual relationship and he pressures her into it. Even women who willingly participated in pre-marital sex have these thoughts.

Her heart is affected. The heart consists of our thoughts, beliefs, desires, emotions, will, soul; in essence all things that are immaterial. You can see how the consequences of sexual immorality affect each of these areas.

Initially the woman may not realize much or any of these issues are present. She just does not want sexual intimacy. This is obviously a problem in a marriage relationship.

Next time- how can it be fixed?
