Hurting the Ones You Love

I continue to whirl about in the cyclone that has suddenly become my life. With the announcement that we are moving away we unwittingly thrust daggers into the hearts of our friends this week. To see the raw and hurt expressions on their faces wounded me to my very core as though I had betrayed them in some intentional way. I know that is not what they think but I think the hurt is the same for them.

Even though I will be here for a while yet, the loss is already acute for them, and for us. The ministry that we have worked so hard on, raised up like a baby and put so much of ourselves into - what will become of it? I have such a sensation that I am letting them down.

And yet, someone said to me the other day regarding the hope for the ministry to continue: "When there is a known plan for a mission trip and you just bide the time until it happens, I love that...the hope of the mission, it's purpose, it's blessing. It is the same with our future. We've planned out our teaching and we can still do writing."

My friend was telling me that there is hope, which is the same thing I have been telling them all along!