Labor Day

Today is Labor Day in the USA. It is a day set aside for us to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of the school year in many cities and towns.

Labor Day was created by the Unions to celebrate the American worker. On this day we relax, recreate with friends and family and enjoy ourselves before the business of fall and winter set in.

In honor of this day, I am taking today off from writing the blog. I thought instead I would give you the opportunity to post questions you might have, and to present topics you would like to see covered in the blog.

In order to post a question you will have to register. PLEASE take the time to do that. I don't keep track of names of people who register, but I do require it because of the number of crackpots there are in the world today.

I am here to serve you, and if you post some questions, I will be glad to answer them on the blog as a topic or as a part of a blog in the days and weeks to come.

Thanks for your consistent readership and I would sure appreciate your prayers as I contemplate expanding this ministry.

Because He reigns,