Experiencing Grief and Loss

Sunday is my birthday and I am thinking of how different life is from one year ago. I knew last year as we prepared to celebrate my birthday that it would be the last one I would have with my Mom. I strongly suspected that by my next birthday she would be gone, and I was right.

In my mind I can clearly see many things from that wonderful day as I chose to imprint them on my mind so I would never forget. I am thankful I did for those memories are bringing me a measure of comfort. I am entering that last section, the home stretch of the "firsts" that will lead to the one year anniversary of her home going.

My dear brother in Christ just experienced the loss of his own mother this past week after a long and determined battle with cancer.

I have several friends who are experiencing loss of relationships as they are leaving their churches and church families. They have been the prompting for the last several postings on church divorce.

Many are frightened and bewildered as their jobs and then their homes are going away due to our "stimulated" economy, and we fear the loss of our freedoms under the current government administration.

All of these things are forms of grief. I do believe that we need to be prepared to serve and minister to those who are experiencing grief from all sorts of sources. Over the next several posts I am going to explore grief and grieving and attempt to give you some insight and tools to help others who suffer painful loss of many kinds. What I teach my counseling students is that the teacher typically learns more or is ministered to to a greater degree than the students we teach. I am counting on that, as my heart is heavy in missing Mom as this weekend approaches.

One question I had to ask myself as I thought about blogging on this topic is, "What do I think I can say that has not been said, or what can I offer you here that will be worthy of your time each day?"

What I decided is that I can bring you the Biblical approach, and the truth from the Word of God. I can also bring you hope and help in your healing process as you grieve your loss. I recall wanting someone (other than a secular grief counselor) who would be able to tell me that what I was experiencing was normal or okay.

For those of you who mourn today- this is for you.