Am I an Addict?

Many Christians belong to "self-help" groups such as AA, CA, OA and their Christianized counterparts, Overcomers Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, Reformers Anonymous and so on.

Before I continue with this posting, I want you to know that I do not think a person's salvation is open to debate as a result of attending these groups. I do not think that those who attend are "unspiritual" or sinning in any way. I used to attend some of these groups, and I was trained as a Celebrate Recovery facilitator. My husband was a devoted member of AA and CA for decades.

For the unbeliever, they are the best route to ceasing these behaviors. They provide both Believer and Unbeliever with fellowship, and like-mindedness. I think that each of these groups has pluses and minuses, and while they may be helpful in addressing the issues of the flesh they are sorely lacking in the vital areas of "recovery."

I realize that my position may offend you, and that is not my intention. However, I won't shy away from the reality that for the Christian there are other options! Over the next few posts I intend to pose the usual arguments for attending and "needing" such groups and provide you with biblical answers to those questions and statements that are often made when this topic comes up.

As a Biblical Counselor/Discipler I have been confronted with pretty much every "addiction" known to man and I never sent a person to a self-help group, not even once.

So, let's get started with the first reason people attend a self-help group.

"I have an addiction" -
What is the reason I want to know the answers to these questions? Because I need to understand the frame of reference of the person sitting in front of me. More than them hearing what I think at the outset of our time together, I need to hear what the suffering saint has to say. Before I can earn the right to speak into their situation I have to listen carefully and with open eyes, ears and heart.

I want to know what the counselee understands "addiction" to actually mean. Perhaps they are only guessing they are an addict because of their desire for something. It could also be that someone told them they have a problem and they termed it "addiction" without any basis in truth. A good soul-physician will take the time to understand the perspective of the person sitting with them without pre-judging or coming to conclusions without all or any of the facts.

He who gives an answer before he hears, It is folly and shame to him. Proverbs 18:13 (NASB)