Living in the Light of Grace

Biblical grace is defined as an unmerited gift, given by God to an undeserving sinner. Grace is something no one can earn for then it is not a gift, but wages. Scripture makes that point numerous times in several of the letters written to the churches. Grace is multi-faceted and is woven throughout the life of a believer in Christ. It is displayed in our words, our actions, and our interactions with one another. Grace is something we have and something we are to give away. It is positional and practical, and unmerited and unending. Chuck Swindol said in his book The Grace Awakening that we really don't have a good grasp on a biblical understanding of grace. I agree.

We are to live in the light of the grace we have been given by virtue of being united with Christ. What does this mean in daily life and how do I make that happen?

Romans 6:1 reminds us that just because we have this abundance of grace we cannot live any way we choose. We cannot abuse the grace of God through riotous living and carelessness. The grace we enjoy came with a steep price tag - the blood of an innocent man- and we must never forget that. 

I live with the reality that I have been completely forgiven by someone who knew everything I have ever done. He did it before I knew Him, and He did it without my asking Him. He did it because he chose me to bring glory to Himself, not because I was "good" for I certainly was not good. A good person doesn't need grace!  He did it while I was lost and dead and worthless. There was nothing special about me, nothing redeeming, nothing that would draw Him to me outside of His own selfless love for a person who was lost in the blackest darkest night of the soul.

Because of that very reality I give grace away in buckets to other undeserving sinners. I will not endorse their sin, but I will rebuke, correct, and train them in righteousness all the while extending to them the freedom to make mistakes along the way of growing and changing.

Grace allows Romans 7 people to have the hope that Romans 8 is real and applies to them!

If Christ does not condemn them (us) then how can I?