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Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. Romans 15:2 (NIV)

I will begin by saying that I have several of the social networking applications on my phone and computer.  I find them to be useful to communication information en mass for our counseling center, training opportunities and so on. There is a lot of nonsense that is posted on them as well, and I will also freely admit that my own nonsense finds its way there too!

I am bothered though, by the notion that we seem to be finding it necessary to text, post, or tweet our every thought for all the world to see. The numerous Twitter applications are making it possible for people to have their locations tracked and pictures posted all day long as a part of what is being promoted as a game of sorts.

What bothers me specifically is the self-focus that is being promoted by these apps. In my opinion, it smacks of a prideful spirit to think everyone in the world needs to know what you are doing every minute of the day, as though you are so important that the rest of us cannot go on without knowing!

Christians are not to be self-focused or self-absorbed but instead putting our efforts toward furthering the gospel and helping people understand that changed hearts result in changed lives. Jesus told us that we are to deny ourselves and instead become more like Him. He was humble, did not seek the limelight, and was constantly about His Father's business. 

Our constant fixation with the nonsense that has become an obsession to many may require repentance in the lives of some of us today. I am encouraging you to pray as David did,

Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139:23-24 (NASB)

Pray and ask the Lord to reveal if your use of social networking is a point of pride, or even a stumbling block to other Christians. You may not think that your postings and such could possibly be hurting someone, and it is here that I encourage you to think about Paul's writings in 1 Corinthians 9:19-22. He is speaking of giving up some of our freedoms in Christ for the sake of other people- believers and unbelievers for the sake of their growth and salvation.

How we spend our time matters. This is something to consider today.