A man who will not lead is difficult to live with, and those marriages are fraught with discord. It is too much pressure to be under to do his job and ours in marriage, home, and child rearing. A man who will not lead is often considered weak and lazy by his wife. She resents his unwillingness to step up and "be a man."
Often the man has been conditioned by culture to be conciliatory and to not lead his wife and family. The feminist movement has taken care of that for the past 40 years. Men were taught to be "partners" and not leaders, sensitive and consulting men who willingly allowed their wives to do and be anything the pleased- often at the expense of the family.
Now before you get all upset at me, please sit back and look at the result of all this "liberation" on our society. Do you think it is any coincidence at all that divorce rates have skyrocketed, children are on psych meds along with their parents, and society as a whole is worse off than in the 1950's? I don't.
I believe in the order God set in place in the Bible for the family- God, husband, wife, children. Most Christian women do as well and live that way to varying degrees.
Too many husbands are content to let their wives lead in the home however. They are passive in discipling their children, and in other aspects of discipline. They place the financial burden of bill paying and financial decisions on their wives. Often, the man views his only obligation to be that of a co-bread winner, leaving the rest to his super-human wife. This is NOT God's plan for marriage. It places us in a position of power that we both love and hate.
A part of us wants leadership and oversight and direction, and honestly, the other part of us hates it much of the time and loves the seat of power. The latter is our curse to bear (Gen. 3) for we want to rule over our husbands. But ruling over the family is not God's desire or plan.
He causes us to ache for that leadership and headship over us and once we realize this, a change takes place in our thinking. It no longer is go great to be in a position of power and control in the marriage. we realize it is too much pressure to be under to do his job and ours in marriage, home, and child rearing.
A man who will not lead is often considered weak and lazy by his wife. She resents his unwillingness to step up and "be a man." As a result these marriages are fraught with discord. Especially when we begins to "encourage" him to take the mantle that is rightfully his. The truth is, many, many women desire to be led by their husbands in marriage.