Are You A Woman Who Talks Too Much?

Yesterday I began this mini-series on women who talk too much. 

A woman who talks too much is not living out Phil. 2. She is not considering others as more important than herself. It reveals a heart of selfishness.

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; Philippians 2:3 (NASB)

A woman who talks too much is most likely not a submissive wife either. She may believe her opinion is more important than her husband's, or anyone else's. 

There are ways to express an opinion and to tell someone what your perspective is on a situation. However, often women who talk too much are unable to keep it to a suggestion. When her opinion is not agreed to it becomes a battle with barrage of words to convince others her way is right or best. 

If you are a woman who talks too much and you see yourself here in this posting, begin to change this life dominating sinful pattern by asking God to help you to see your heart. David prayed that God would "see if there is any wicked way in me" (Psalm 139) and this ought to be your prayer too. 

As God reveals your sinful heart to you, repent and confess to your husband or accountability partner what you have learned about yourself. Ask forgiveness of those you have wronged or offended by your non-stop chatter, and thank God for His forgiveness as well. 

Keep a little journal of the times you are tempted to sin with your speech and every day or so, go back and look at those entries. Determine what you were thinking, believing, and desiring in your heart at that time. 

Make a biblical plan to change, first by having your mind renewed by the Word of God (Rom. 12:2) with prayer, and then by making practical plans for when you are tempted to sin this way, as you will certainly be. When you fail, promptly confess it and examine where you went wrong and plan how you will respond differently next time. Sinful patterns can be overcome through mind renewal and a biblical plan for change.