Meek At Heart

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29.

Meekness is often misunderstood as weakness. It is represented as being something women do not want to "be" because those who portray meekness do so poorly. A meek woman is actually very strong, and knows what she is about. She understands her position in Christ and her place in the Body.

Meekness is strength under the submitted control of the Holy Spirit.

I find meekness to be lacking in many women these days. We seem to have become argumentative, spiteful, and vengeful. Many women are this way in the home and workplace and even in the church. We tend to show our true selves to those who are the closest to us, and unfortunately the place where our Christ-likeness is to be demonstrated the clearest - we fail the most.

We have been enabled by the Lord Jesus Christ to demonstrate strength under control by the power of Holy Spirit. We are able to lovingly, joyfully, humbly serve those God has placed in our lives. Meekness is a part of what Peter was driving at in 1 Peter 3:4 when he said:

"Let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God."

This is true beauty and goes beyond hair and make-up. There is a settled quietness about a woman who understands meekness. She is strong beyond words and yet she finds little need to exert that strength when under pressure. She accepts God's dealings with her as good and so there is little reason to resist God or try and fight with Him about how her life is ordered. This brings an aura of peace to her world.

Peace comes from her heart because her confidence is in Christ. She trusts Him to be her Advocate before God and man, even when the situation is unjust or she is insulted. She finds she does not have to rant and rage because in Christ she is complete. A meek woman is content in her circumstances.

This is possible even if she has a difficult husband or working relationship. By the grace of God she can respond to those who persecute her and make life difficult for her with love and compassion. Many of those who cause us such grief are those who desperately need Christ and have no peace or contentment and so they resent ours!

Seeing these people through Godly eyes helps a lot. Realize that those who don't have Christ are only acting out of the only nature they have, they literally can't help themselves!

As we demonstrate meekness we are also demonstrating faith and confidence that we have God's leading and directing of our lives. Learn your Lord. Learn about Him and who you are in Him and because of Him. God is always at work, even when we cannot see it. Have hope!