Counter Culture Reflections

I've been awake for hours already, mulling over the sessions from last nights opening of the Counter Culture conference and several of the conversations I had with our conference guests.

Each person I interacted with was so excited to be there as either a speaker or as one who came to learn.

The Lord has provided our speakers with a wealth of wisdom, compassion, and desire to serve. So many of our conference guests have been blessed by a book one of the speakers has written or a lesson they've previously taught,  and they have anxiously awaited the opportunity to tell them how their lives have been changed as a result.

Here's a little recap of yesterday's events:

Dr. Mark Shaw's (ACBC) pre conference gave hope to those struggling or wanting to help those struggling with addictive behaviors. The attendees learned the importance of balancing grace and truth as they minister.

My heart was encouraged as I listened to Pastor Kevin Hurt (IABC) deliver a powerful message from Acts on factions, fractures, and friendships.

Dr. David Tyler (AABC) debunked the whole theology of self-esteem and opened the eyes of understanding in those who attended his workshop and Dr. Bob Kellemen (BCC) blessed everyone who came to his session as he painted a beautiful portrait of an effective biblical counseling friend from 2 Thessalonians.

Each of our speakers brings such a wonderful gift to our conference: an overwhelming love for the Lord that translates into a genuine desire to minister the Word of God.

Today will be a very full day of learning as well as teaching. God's people will be challenged and encouraged by what we've got in store for them today!

In addition, I have the true joy of seeing friends I've not connected with for nearly 5 years, and others I've only known thus far through social media.

I'm so excited to see what the Lord will do today!  What a joy and privilege it is to provide such an event! To God be the glory!

See you next week!