Post-Abortion Counseling Part 2- The Physical

Monday I began a short series focusing on post-abortive women. Having counseled biblically for nearly two decades I have unknowingly ministered to many, many women who have this buried hurt in their past according to the statistics. Because of a surge in the number of women seeking help we as the Church are going to need to know how to minister to these devastated women.  

I recently took a course on post-abortive counseling which revealed some things I had never thought of. This series came out of those studies. If you are post-abortive, please don't suffer in silence, there is help and hope. Reach out and you will find it in Christ. 

Aborting a child and brings physical, mental, emotional and spiritual consequences for everyone who was involved in the abortion decision and the act. It is tragic that the before an abortion women are not told the truth about the feelings and emotions they will have for the rest of their lives after making this choice.

It is unconscionable that abortion lobbyists deny the reality of post-abortion syndrome for the sake of protecting their pro-death position. It is clear they must maintain a position of dishonesty to keep their death march on the roll.  I suppose some women with little foresight would still choose abortion even with full knowledge of the ramifications on their emotional and mental health, but I believe the majority would not make the decision to abort if they only had full understanding of what awaited them from the moment their child’s life is snuffed out. 

The physical consequences both short and long-term are sobering and make the assertion of the pro-abortion movement that pregnancy is more dangerous than abortion simply laughable. Abortion is not a “safe” physical choice for a woman. According to the August 2000 Archives of General Psychology 255,000 women annually  reported physical complications from abortion. That is nearly 20%!

The documented physical complications for the woman directly related to the abortion procedure include cervical laceration; uterine damage including perforation of the uterus and uterine rupture. Other complications include hemorrhaging that may require a transfusion, endotoxic shock, incomplete abortion, unplanned surgical intervention, cardiac arrest, and death. Because there are greater regulations on veterinarian clinics than on abortion clinics, post-abortion infections caused by dirty conditions and unsterile equipment are a real possibility. We have all heard or read the horror stories about Kermitt Gosnell and about that similar abortuary in Texas. 

Long-term physical complications include a higher risk of infertility, tubal pregnancy, and an increased chance of miscarriage. The post-abortive woman also may have premature deliveries and low-birth weight babies.

The connection between breast cancer and abortion is emerging; however, no widely accepted studies confirm the link. Studies supporting breast cancer as a possible long-term complication from abortion are concealed by media that is overwhelmingly pro-abortion. 

Since the mid-1980’s there has been a greater than 40% increase in breast cancer. This is significant because it includes the first group of women who beginning in 1973 had access to legal abortions.The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJoM) cites a risk of breast cancer as a complication of abortion.  They provide statistics that show that 27 out of 34 studies show a 50% increased link between breast cancer and abortion.  If the connection between abortion and breast cancer in studies like these were subject to full disclosure, I believe it would drive the number of abortions performed down dramatically.
The incidence of breast cancer in post-abortive women is 50% higher than among other women of the same age group.  Since legalization of abortion, the rate of breast cancer diagnosis by age 85 has risen to 1 in 9 women. 

Independent study revealed the same statistics published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) in June of 1989 but were quickly squelched. The data accumulated in numerous studies showed a 95% link between surgical abortion and the development of breast cancer. Do you think it is coincidence that statistics say 1 in 6 women will get breast cancer in their lifetime when 4 in 10 have had abortions by age 45? 

The rise in infertility among women of childbearing age was also of notable interest to me. Statistically, many of those women also have abortions in their past. 

No, abortion is not a safe physical choice for women regardless of the chants of those who support it. The physical cost and complication is not the worst of it for the post-abortive woman however.  As we continue through the next couple of posts in the series you will see there is a much greater and more private horror with which the post-abortive woman must live. Come back Friday.