Focusing on Your Troubled Mind

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8 (NASB) 

Those of you who check in here regularly know I am a believer in how the changed heart brings a changed life. The biblical understanding of heart is best considered as your will, soul, beliefs, desires, mind, and your thoughts. 

Philippians 4:8 instructs us to think or meditate on what is true. When something is true it is real or authentic. It is something that has been proven. Do you spend your time thinking about things that are true or real? Or, do you find yourself meditating on thoughts such as: 
People who struggle with anxiety, fear, worry, or depression often tell me they have thoughts and feelings like those above. 

Scripture teaches us that God see's all things that happen on the earth. 

The LORD looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. Psalm 33:13 (NLT) 

He is familiar with our suffering and our misery (Isaiah 53:3).  God does not abandon His children (Hebrews 13:5), He does care (1 Peter 5:7), and He does understand (Hebrews 4:15)! 

One way to combat wrong thinking is to find other Scriptures that are the opposite of whatever wrong or sinful thoughts and feelings you have. I would encourage you to write them out and memorize them. You must renew your mind with truth (Romans 12:2) and replace your inaccurate thoughts because they are what lead to your feelings. 

Choose to work on what is real rather than to worry about what you don't know to be true. The only things you can even remotely hope to control or change are things that are real and true. Going back to the list above, if the truth is that you have not accepted Christ by grace through faith then your fear and anxiety is real, you are not forgiven and you are in peril. However, if you are in Christ and feel you are not forgiven because of some horrible sin (real or imagined) you are not thinking rightly.

Reach forward and press on rather than remaining a prisoner of the past.  I want to discourage you from dwelling on the past and rehashing things repeatedly. It is not helpful to wonder what you should have done and how life would be different if you had.  Don’t torture yourself with these kinds of thoughts! Instead of being a slave to your feelings, believe the biblical truths of about forgiveness and what God does with forgiven sin. By all means, learn from your past and the consequences of your sin and mistakes, but don’t live there!

If you want to renew your mind, then memorize Scripture (not an option), meditate on Scripture, and obey the Scriptures. Put in to practice what you learn and when you do, you will be on your way to a healthy thought life that glorifies God and brings you peace.