This week I am counting down the most frequently viewed posts on this site. Today we have the number 3 most viewed blog post. Happy New Year's Eve!
And God is able to make all
grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things,
may have an abundance for every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NKJV)
And He said to me, “My
grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in
weakness.” 2
Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV)
Grace is sufficient. So
many times, I hear people say they don’t think they can do it - they can’t bear
up under the strain or under the persecution. They tell me how weak they are,
and I tell them to rejoice in that weakness! Because then they can really see
that it is not them doing it--it is Christ! The grace of God is enough to carry
Grace is sufficient, and it
is enough. If it were not enough, God would have made a better provision.
I also have to remind
myself that God’s grace will be present in abundance when I need it and not
before. I cannot store up grace for a rainy day as I can my pennies; it will be
sufficient and not lacking anything in that moment.
For sin shall not have
dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. Romans 6:14 (NKJV)
I really love this passage
of Scripture. When I first realized this, I think I about flew out of my
Romans 6:1 says, “Are we to continue to live as though we are still slaves to
sin? How can we who have been freed from sin still live as though we are still
owned by it.”
Realizing that grace is in my life changes my perspective on things, people and
circumstances. When I view all of life through the lens of God’s grace
demonstrated toward me, I have no other alternative than to change how I live.
Some may disagree with my
statement because of the issue of free will. My position is that a true
believer will change. They just will! No will of man can overcome the power of
the living God; some may change slower than others may, but all of us will be
When the sinner, through
the power of the Holy Spirit, begins to understand the enormity of what grace
has done for them, their desire becomes one of change to bring Him glory. If
the desire to change is not present, then we will question the validity of the
salvation testimony.
When we realize that we are
now free from all of the “have to’s” in obeying sin, our perspective on that
sin changes immediately.
I have no choice but to
conclude that I sin because I like its temporary results; I like the rush, the
immediate gratification, and the clandestine feeling that I am getting away
with something.
I deceive myself by
thinking sin brings me pleasure when in reality it does not - not true
pleasure, not pleasure without feelings of guilt. This is because always after
the immediate gratification comes the immediate understanding that I have taken
this wonderful grace and abused it and trampled it carelessly.
This is the realization of
grace--the understanding that God has given us this wonderful gift that I
surely do not deserve and has not given me all the misery I do deserve. He has
brought me into His kingdom as His child and given me the riches of this
kingdom, having lifted me out of slavery and misery and given me His
inheritance. The realization that these things are true about me and cannot be
revoked or taken away by anyone causes me to fall down and worship Him.
It also causes me to live
out this worship and demonstrate it to others.
Labels: The Best of the Blog Series- All time