Momentary and Light

Things at my church have been a little difficult lately. Our body is reeling with the news that several people are very ill. I am a firm believer in the sovereignty of God and I believe that He is in charge of all the events of the lives of His people. It is good to remember that this world is temporary. Future hope is an important piece of making it through the tragedies of life.

“For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.” 2 Corinthians 4:17

Paul describes the afflictions of this life as light and momentary. He says our sufferings are temporary and designed only for this lifetime. There are times I certainly struggle focusing on the eternal weight of glory suffering is producing (Romans 8:18). Have you thought that your present suffering will bring future glory? All of the difficulties, trials, sorrow and suffering that we endure in this life is changing the image of who we will be in eternity! This is a tremendous promise and makes every single moment of suffering very significant. 

He also says that even the worst of our sufferings are light compared with that eternal weight of glory which they are producing (1 Peter 5:10; 1 Peter 1:6; 2 Cor. 4:17). Paul understood this, for he learned it through the trials that began the moment he began to preach Christ. He emphatically wanted us to understand that in the grand tapestry of God's plan for his life, his afflictions were light and momentary, and would soon pass away. In the same way, our afflictions are working, producing, and affecting future glory. Our sufferings are but for a moment, but the glory we will share will be eternal. Our sufferings will soon pass away, but the glory we will one day experience is never going to end. This is why we are to set our minds on what is to come instead of the problems, the suffering, or the afflictions. Paul never would have made it if he lived focusing on the suffering, he understood that when it comes to suffering, our minds must be renewed and we must learn to focus on the glory to come.

As you pray about the burdens you bear, where is your focus? Is your prayer, “God please end this” or is it, “God be glorified.” Today, think of what God is accomplishing in this season of suffering. This time, think of the changes that have been made in your heart and life. Think of how your perspective has changed on things as a result of this trial, and give God the glory. Even in the midst of your pain.