Glorious Perspective

I neglected to say that this post was written by Anne Dryburgh, a frequent guest blogger. 

It had been two years since I had driven round the stunning Scottish mountains.
For months I had imagined the endless miles of snow-covered vistas. I anticipated being struck by awe as I turned each bend and saw the wonders of God’s creation. Alas, on the day itself it rained. The miles of snow-covered mountains were still there, but they were hidden behind clouds of rain. The mountains and nature that were visible were still stunning. Being somewhat disappointed, I had a choice to make: focus on the beauty I could see or on the rain and the clouds that were preventing me from seeing the beautiful vistas as I had imagined.

This made me think about the choices that we are often faced with in life. The choice is about what kind of perspective we are going to have. Will we focus on the rain and clouds in our lives that prevent things from being the way that we imagine and desire, or on the blessings that we do have, and on the way that we do see God at work in our lives? Usually when the rain and clouds are there, when the difficulties and disappointments are prominent, it is easy to focus on them and miss the glory around us.

It reminds me of Isaiah 6. Isaiah saw the Lord seated on the throne. This was at a time of uncertainty in the history of the Lord’s people. In his vision, the seraphim called to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3)

Isaiah was broken by the holy God whose glory is in all the earth. He is the same God today. When life is not working out as we long for, it is important to keep our focus. God’s glory is there, he is at work, he does have a plan.

While driving around Scotland, I realized that I would have missed out that day if I had stayed indoors or had focused on the rain. The day was enjoyable as I enjoyed God’s creation. It would be sad if we were to miss out on what the Lord is doing in our lives by focusing on the disappointments. It is possible to see his purposeful work which leads to his glory. 
